Located In St Helen's historic downtown off Hwy 30, you can find the Klondike Restaurant formally the St. Helens Hotel. Constructed in 1906 and opened for business in 1910. The second floor featured the dining room, which is now the restaurant. The rest of the building is closed off to the public and mostly used for storage if used at all. When it was a hotel it mostly roomed mill workers from town. I have visited this place for dinner multiple times, both with my family and with friends. Both times I was there, I enjoyed the atmosphere and the food but had no experiences or even creepy feelings. Looking into the history of this place, it is claimed that voices have been heard by both current staff and former guests of the hotel. Stories of people hearing their names whispered and nobody being near them have been told. Objects moving, electronics turning on and off and even radio volume jumping when on have all been reported by staff. Claims to activity have come from many people including the current owner who claimed to have seen a young boy sitting at the bar, when approached the child asked "dad" and then disappeared. A local police officer even claimed to see a figure standing at the top of the stairs, when he went to approach the figure, he noticed it had no body, was only a floating head and torso and then vanished. Countless claims have been reported by people walking by on seeing people in windows on the floors that are not in use and blocked off from the public. There has been no evidence in the history of the location regarding tragedy or any significant event, except for the age of the building.
My Interest in this location came about when I saw it featured on Paranormal State. I don't like watching ghost hunter shows mostly because they are annoying and staged, but the gentleman who does this show, it hot. So I do watch it from time to time. They did a feature on this restaurant and invited psychic Lorraine Warren to investigate. I am huge fan of this woman, with my love for horror movies I already knew she was the psychic who originally investigated The Amityville house, and most recently has a movie based on her called "The Conjuring".
She came in with the crew from Paranormal State and they did a three day investigation. In the episode she claims it is very active, very haunted, and she says a man was shot there.
I still don't know much more about this location. but felt it was worth mentioning.
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